Alexander Dunn – Mining Lease 1805
Ripley 10 October 1805
Sir John Ingleby agrees to let Alexander Dunn Senior of Pateley Bridge a lease for twenty-one years of Hayshaw Moor for the purpose of trying for lead ore for which he is to pay every ninth pig and expenses for the first fourteen years and every eighth pig for the remaining seven years. Sir John Ingleby will give him groove timber to the value of ten pounds for the first trial and will erect a proper smelt mill as soon as there shall be lead ore raised to the amount of five hundred pounds and consents that he shall be at liberty to drive a level from Guisecliffe or elsewhere if in doing no damage to the land or paying a satisfaction for the same.
Alexander Dunn agrees to be bound by the usual covenants contained in mining leases that he will assign any part of the premises nor admit any partners or joint adventurers without the previous consent of Sir John Ingleby in writing to be endorsed on the lease that the lease shall be forfeited if the works are not [unreadable word] or in a sufficient manner for three months in the whole of the course of any year of the term.
The lease shall be [unreadable words] conveniently may be dated from this day the said Alexander Dunn to work immediately if he thinks proper. Covenants for the use of the moor for the [unreadable word] having right if com’on use and all usual covenants.
Witness John Webster
Alexn Dunn
Transcribed from Ingleby Papers No 2665. Held at West Yorkshire Archaeology Service, Sheepscar, Leeds
By Malcolm Street, 7 Apr 1986
Alexander Dunn born 1755 in Grinton, died 1828 at Hardcastle. Married Elizabeth Kirkbright 1784 in Pateley Bridge.
Mentioned in one of Thomas Blackah’s poems “T’oade Arm Chair”
When oor lile Jim wer teean sa bad,
Three weeks afooare he died,
It sarved him for a bed, poor lad!
An’ easy-chair beside.
An’ oft ah’ve heard me mother say,
An’ say it we a tear, ‘
At her oade fadther drew away,
Sat in that Oade Arm Chair.
Mother was Ann Dunn (1797-1870) wife of Joseph Blackah.
Jim was James William Blackah, born October 1851, died 2nd February 1852.