1699 – Account of Lead at York
York 2th Novemb(er) 1699
Reckoned & accompted [?] th(e)n [yn] w(i)th Alexius Elcock, & Rec(eive)d of him
att Diverse Times _ [?] Payments The Sum of Two Hundred
Thirty one Pounds Twelve shillings & Eight pence,
w(i)th w(i)th Tickett money to [?] the [ye] men now by me p(ai)d is in full paym(en)t
Satisfaction for Craine day [?] of all manner of p(ar)cells of
Lead belonging to Rich(ar)d Taylor Esq(uire) of Walls dec(ease)d or to
Thomas White Esq(uire) his Son untill this day, Wittness
my Hand Jos Scott
Wittnessed by
John Harrington
Mem(o)r(a)nd(um) there is now noe Lead belonging to Tho(mas) White
Esq(uire) in the Craine att York. Jos Scott
John Harrington