A Memorial of Leases of Lead Mines at Greenhow 1790
Please note that this is not a full word for word transcription. A lot of the legal “mumbo jumbo” has been left out, together with the repetition of all the possible names for a place in order to make understanding easier. With the exception of the the first part, all names of Lesses and local place names have been shown in bold italic to allow you to see the important information quickly.
A MEMORIAL to be registered at the office at Wakefield in the West Riding of the County of York pursuant to an Act of Parliament made in the second year of the Reign of her late Majesty Queen Ann for the registering all Deeds Conveyances and Wills that shall be made of any Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments within the West Riding of the County of York after the twenty ninth day od September One Thousand Seven Hundred and Four.
Taylor White of Wallingwells in the Counties of Nottingham and York, Esquire, of the first part.
The Reverend Stephen White of Lavington in the County of Lincoln, Doctor of Laws, of the second part.
John Gally Knight of Langold in the said County of York, Esquire, of the third part.
Thomas Woollaston White Esquire, Lieutenant in the fourth regiment of Dragoons (Eldest son of the said Taylor White) of the fourth part.
WHEREBY for the considerations therein mentioned Taylor White did Grant, Bargain, Sell and Demise unto Stephen White amongst other lands etc. ALL THAT the Manor or Lordship (but not the Capital Messuage or Demesnes) of Buerly otherwise called Bewerly in the said County of York and all Mines of Lead and other Mines and Quarries of what nature and kind soever in Buerly otherwise Bewerly, Riggs, Greenhagh, otherwise Greenhaugh, and Couldstones otherwise Couldstone Foulds in the Township of Buerly… in the said County of York.
The Mines of Lead and Lead Ore within and under part of the said Manor and Premises in Bewerly… are under Lease to Several Mining Companies by virtue of a certain Indenture of Lease dated the 1st Day of May 1782 between:
Taylor White and others of one part.
George Bradley, George Fletcher, George Morley, William Morley, William Baines, Michael Houseman and John Maxfield of the other part.
Which said Lease comprises the Mines of Lead and Lead Ore in a piece of Mining Ground in a certain place in Greenhaugh… called Black Riggs in Galloways thereby demised for the term of 21 years from the 5th Day of January last.
Also an Indenture of Lease dated 1st Day of November 1782 between:
Taylor White and others of one part.
Peter Wilson Overend, Stephen Hartley, George Hasleham, William Morley, John Morley and David Swale of the other part.
which said lease comprizes the Mines of Lead and Lead Ore in a piece of Mining Ground in a place called Greenhaugh… and thereby demised for a term of 21 years from the 5th Day of January last.
Also an Indenture of Lease dated 1st Day of November 1782 between:
Taylor White and others of one part.
Edward Cleaver, William Hutchinson the Elder and William Hutchinson the Younger of the other part.
which said lease comprizes the Mines of Lead and Lead Ore in a piece of Mining Ground in a place called Greenhaugh… and thereby demised for a term of 21 years from the 5th Day of January last.
Also an Indenture of Lease dated 1st Day of November 1782 between:
Taylor White and others of one part.
John Lupton and Thomas Barker of the other part.
which said lease comprizes the Mines of Lead and Lead Ore within and under several inclosures, pieces or parcels of land and ground containing by Estimation 50 Acres called by the name of Hardcastle… and thereby demised for a term of 21 years from the 25th Day of December last.
Also an Indenture of Lease dated 1st Day of August 1784 between:
Taylor White and others of one part.
Anthony Hopper, William Brown, Edward Parker, William Parker, William Morley, Hinnber Smith and Robert Priestly of the other part.
which said lease comprizes the Mines of Lead and Lead Ore in a piece of Mining Ground in a place called Greenhaugh… called Galloways containing by Estimation 25 Acres and thereby demised for a term of 21 years from the 5th Day of February last.
Also an Indenture of Lease dated 1st Day of May 1785 between:
Taylor White and others of one part.
Sir John Ingleby Baronet of the other part.
which said lease comprizes the Mines of Lead and Lead Ore within and under the Estate of Sir John Ingleby in the Township of Bewerly… called Toft Riggs, Bail Bank and Moorhouses and thereby demised for a term of 21 years from the 25th Day of December last.
Also an Indenture of Lease dated 1st Day of August 1787 between:
Taylor White and others of one part.
Johnson Atkinson Busfield, Henry Wickham, Matthew Wilson, Peter Wilson Overend, William Baynes, Henry Moorhouse, Robert Priestly, James Hebden, William Alcock and William Moorhouse of the other part.
which said lease comprizes the Mines of Lead and Lead Ore in a piece of Mining Ground in a place called Ravenstones in Greenhaugh… and thereby demised for a term of 21 years from the 25th Day of December last.
AND in the said several Leases is reserved to the Lessor one full fifth piece, pig, part or share of all such Lead and other mettals which shall be gotten and smelted out of the Lead Ore by virtue of the said respective Lesses, clear of all deductions within 21 Days after the said should be smelted into Lead and also other parts of the said Mining Ground within the Manor of Bewerley or the Lead and Lead Ore within and under the same or under grant from the agents of Taylor White or those under whom he claimed to Several Mining Adventurers in small jobs or portions called meers of ground according to the Ancient Custom of the said Manor of Bewerley and which are held… by respective Grantees subject to…
TO HOLD to the said Stephen White… from the 10th Day of October next, for and until the full end if the term of 100 years from thence next ensuing if Taylor White should live long upon the Several Trusts to and for the Several Intents and purposes expressed in the said indenture of the 31st Day of August 1789 which to the execution thereof by Taylor White and John Gally Knight is witnessed by Dame Ann Fowke of Sowerby in the County of Leicester, widow and Samuel Edwards of Stamford in the County of Lincoln, Gentleman, and also the execution thereof by Stephen White and Thomas Woollaston White is witnessed by the said Samuel Edwards and by Richard Stephen Taylor of Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell, in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman, and is to be registered by Stephen White as witness his hand and seal on the 11th Day of November 1790.
Signed and Sealed in the presence of
Rich S Taylor
Saml Edwards.
I do hereby certify that the written within is a true copy of a Memorial which was registered at Wakefield on 25th Day of December 1790 at Ten in the Forenoon in the book marked or called DF, page 88, and number 104 as witness my hand.
[illegible signatutes]
Witness to the signing thereof
John Lee
Peter Hardcastle Clerks to Mr Topham
I’ve a handwritten book which i inherited from my Mother entitled Lead & Silver Book.
Witten inside the front page is “An Account of the Lead & Silver being the produce of lead mines belonging William Hutchinson Esq since 29 Sep 1762.”
Could this refer the Lead Mines at Greenhow Hill?
Hi, I don’t know if there have been any other replies, but I am descended from the Pateley Bridge Hutchinsons who were involved with the Greenhow lead mines. My understanding of the family’s involvement is that the lease of 1792 noted in the original article was the start of their activities at Greenhow. The family came from Alston in Cumbria where they had lead mining interests as well. William Hutchinson senior was born at Alston around 1731, so your book could have been his, but maybe recording his Alston mining? I would be very interested in seeing it!
Andrew Hutchinson